

Thank you so much for visiting our online shop!

We are Stephanie and Rozz - two sisters who are passionate about sourcing exquisite fabrics that are perfect for quilting, home décor, crafting and dressmaking.

It all started in lockdown - we had both enjoyed sewing over the years and suddenly found that buying fabrics that we loved online was difficult. To then find a blender the correct shade to compliment the fabric was a near impossible task.

Rozz was meticulously searching the web for the perfect fabric when she came across a brand with the most breath-taking designs that simply made our hearts sing! There was just one problem - we couldn’t purchase it in the UK and postage charges were hefty.

This is where Elmhirst Fabrics began!

After a long night of discussions and copious amounts of tea consumed, we decided to try and make our dreams come true and open our own business selling not only beautiful, distinctive fabrics but also photograph them with the perfect blenders, making the buying experience much easier for our customers.

We first launched our Etsy shop in 2021 and with a growing list of THE MOST wonderful customers we realised that it was time to open our own on line shop.

We have attended quilting shows across the UK with Grosvenor Shows and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting our wonderful customers. We would love to see you at one of our next events!

We would like to say a huge thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of the overwhelming support we have received from each and every one of you since starting Elmhirst Fabrics. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do what we love and we cannot wait to keep sharing even more fabulous fabric with you!


Stephanie and Rozz
